Wednesday 9 December 2009

Task 12.2

Weather outlook did not predict anything bad. Forecasters said, that everything is OK. The entire worldwide media lied to peoples of their countries. If I was them, I would run. Not until the last moment did they realise how serious it was.
The whole world was decieved. All the news announcers were silent. Television was bribed. Governments knew, that there is not so much time left to the end of the world. Crouds were not taking into account the words of scientists, several of whom decided to tell the world the truth.
But everyone began to panic when satelites stopped broadcasting. Remote controls did not work, so did not work TVs. People could not watch their favourite cartoons and sitcoms anymore, so they opened their eyes. But it was too late.
In the year 2109 the humanity was devastated by the giant asteroid, which came from the depths of space.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Task 9

Monday 6 April 2009

Task 8

Story of the one chiropodist.
Moyra, the famous chiropodist of the Orgrimmar, was the one of the most powerful shamanistic orcs in whole Durotar. Her skill of making foot's nails and skin clean and beautiful was unique.
At the fifth of August Moyra was walking in the Halls of Legends and eating meringue. At the evening she had to go to the audition for the chorus "Young orcs and tauren like fighting with dirty humans". At the 7 o'clock she left the Halls and went to the Orgrimmar's High Orcish School, where the audition took place. Opaque spirits greeted her and told her to learn phychics. Unfortunately she died.

87 words.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Task 5

2-3 eggs
Any kind of jam, cream or something to add.

What to do:
1)Mix eggs with milk, shake.
2)Add flour to the mix, shake.
3)Pour liquid to the frying pan and bake.

Everyone should try to make pancakes, because these are very tasty. I made them myself and got a delicious result!

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Thursday 25 December 2008

Task 4


Wednesday 10 December 2008

Экспериментальное задание по физике

Экспериментальное задание по физике
Проделал все шаги. Ничего интересного не получилось, опыт можно было и не проводить, так как все предположения подтвердились. Следовало ожидать, что после того, как лёд растаял, уровень воды в стаканах практически не изменился. Во-первых: кусочек с пробкой плавал на поверхности воды. Кусочек с металлом опустился на дно стакана. Кусочек льда без чего-либо также плавал на поверхности. Как только я опустил лёд в стаканы, уровень воды в стакане со льдом повысился. Это и так понятно (Закон Архимеда), но когда лёд расстаял уровень воды в стаканах теоретически повысился. Почему? Потому, что объём льда больше объёма воды при одинаковой массе.
Лёд расстаял и уровень воды во всех стаканах стал равным. Стоит отметить и некоторые факторы, которые должны быть соблюдены при подобного рода опыты: в стаканах должно быть одинаковое количество воды и объём кусочков льда также должен быть одинаковым. Масса и объём кусочков пробки и металла значения не имеют.

У меня вопрос – в чём смысл опыта?